The second exhibition of selected works from the student of architecture was on display from 6 to 15 of December in the College of Fine Arts Exhibition Hall.

Like last year's exhibition, this year, projects from Bachelor and Master students from the first and second semesters of academic year 2014-2015 were exhibited. There were 98 projects in addition to many projects by studio 5 and 6, which exhibited works by first and second year students. The projects in the exhibition were from bachelor courses such as Architectural Design one, two, three, four and five, Urban Space Analysis, Restoration of Buildings, Design in Rural Context one and two, and Bachelor's thesis projects. There were also projects from Master students from courses such as Architectural Design one, two and three, Interior Architecture, Urban Heritage Conservation, Urban Landscape Design, Energy and Technology.

One feature of this year's exhibition was digital display of some of the projects. This allowed the exhibition to display those projects that could not be presented in physical form.