Ahmad Aleyasin
Thesis Title: Rethinking the relationship between Geometry and Architecture
Supervisor: Dr. Isa Hojjat
Email: aleyasin.ahmad@ut.ac.ir

Summary of Research

Geometry is one of the most fundamental concepts underlying art, architecture, and philosophy. It encompasses both an abstract concept and a tangible one that plays a role in usage and practice. Approaching its profound meaning is both easy and challenging. Sometimes it is defined in mathematical terms, while at other times, philosophers and sages discuss it. Some have limited it to bisectors and the areas of shapes, while others have attributed sacred and transcendental aspects to it.
The perceptions and uses of the concept of geometry in architecture encompass a wide range of approaches and theories. Examples include the geometry of patterns and decorations, the geometric shapes inherent in architectural plans, and more contemporary approaches, such as space syntax. This research seeks to explore the concept of geometry more deeply, and discover the relationship between geometry and architecture. After systematically reviewing the data and examining various approaches and the historical evolution of the concept of geometry, and referring to the opinions of contemporary experts and semi-structured interviews, this research will classify and model the quality of geometry's presence in architecture and explain its aspects and layers. The conclusion will be complemented by an interpretive and theoretical explanation.
The primary methods used in this research are qualitative, including historical, interpretive, and analytical approaches. In some cases, methods such as content analysis, etymology, and case studies will also be used. The achievements can be summarized in a few statements. First, by delving into the broad and often overlooked concepts of geometry in architecture, we will gain a renewed focus on the fundamental principles of architecture. Furthermore, examining and classifying these concepts, and explaining the relationship between the two, will pave the way for future detailed research in the geometry of architecture. In addition, defining and explaining the relationship between geometry and architecture will offer suggestions for the architectural design process, analysis and critique of architecture, and architectural education.