Native landscape of Garmsar and Varamin
Author: Seyed Amir Mansouri
Publisher: NAZAR Research Center of Art, Architecture & Urbanism


The book "Native Landscape of Garmsar and Varamin" was published by Dr. Seyed Amir Mansouri, Associate Professor of the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Tehran, in 2016 by the Nazar Institute of Art, Architecture and Urban Planning.
This book is the result of a several-day trip to Varamin and Garmsar by Nazar Institute researchers. The scientific notes written in the narrative of these cities are the result of their interactions with the environment in the "exploratory education" method. The scientific notes are presented in three well-categorized and readable chapters from the perspective of travel destinations.
Chapter 1: Ritual Landscape
Chapter 2: Rural Landscape
Chapter 3: Urban Landscape