Archinnova was a workshop organised by CEAT from 22nd February to 1st March  2018 on Design Thinking and its role in architectural innovation. Design Thinking, which is widely recognised as creative problem solving, is being developed and taught at the best international institutions throughout the world. In this method, the designers learn and practice numerous skills. Firstly, they study the needs of the clients and users, which is deeply rooted in their emotions and thoughts rather than superficial preferences and functional requirements. Secondly, the designers begin the process of idea development and finding different solutions for the problems. In this stage, arriving at a number of solutions is normal, although it is necessary to analyse them and compare them with each other to figure out the best way forward. This workshop took place in "Negarkhaneh Tehran" (Tehran Gallery) of the College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran.  

For more information on this workshop, please visit: