Afra Gharibpour

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-07

Afra Gharibpour

College of Fine Arts / School of Architecture

Journal Paper

  1. "Definition of Architecture, Rethinking the Vitruvian Triad"
    Afra Gharibpour
    International Journal Of Architecture And Urban Development, Vol. 2, No 4, pp.51-58, 2013
  2. "Comparative Analysis of Architectural Education in America and Iran According to the Three Behaviorism, Cognitivism and Constructivism Learning Theories"
    رحمت محمدزاده, Afra Gharibpour, الهام کاظمی
    Journal of Architecture and Urban Planning, Vol. 16, No 41, 2023
  3. "Evaluation of the shape plan, orientation, and ceiling height on daylight performance of tall office buildings in Tehran, Iran"
    [] [], Afra Gharibpour
    The Journal of Architectural Thought, Vol. 7, No 13, 2023
  4. "Identification and Explanation of Postmodern Paradigms in the Standardization and Design of Interior Spaces of Mental Hospitals with a View to the Sublime Concept of Relaxation in the Holy Quran"
    امیر مسعود رحقیق اغصان, Saeed Haghir, Afra Gharibpour
    Quran and Medicine, Vol. 7, No 5, pp.83-97, 2023
  5. "Assessing the quality of teaching the course “architectural design and urban” in the field of civil engineering"
    الهام کاظمی, حسن ستاری ساربانقلی, رحمت محمدزاده, Afra Gharibpour
    Dvfslnamh theory and practice in curriculum, Vol. 9, No 18, 2022
  6. "Aristotelian Form in Morphogenetic Design (Origin of Form in Morphogenetic Design)"
    معصومه معتمدی, ویدا نوروز برازجانی, Afra Gharibpour
    Philosophy -University of Tehran, Vol. 49, No 2, 2021
  7. "Studying the quality of teaching the course of the Introduction to architectural design (2) at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tehran"
    الهام کاظمی, حسن ستاری ساربانقلی, رحمت محمدزاده, Afra Gharibpour
    Journal of Technology of Education, Vol. 15, No 60, pp.815-835, 2021
  8. "A Comparison between Undergraduate Architecture Programme in Iran and Six Top Universities around the World"
    Afra Gharibpour, رامتین میرمحمدصادقی
    soffeh, Vol. 31, No 93, pp.39-60, 2021
  9. "Identifying and Analyzing Factors Affecting Spatial Sense Formation in Urban Public Spaces(Case Study: Niavaran Cultural Center, Museum of Contemporary Art, City Theater)"
    امیرحسین صیاد, Afra Gharibpour, مهسا دلشاد سیاهکلی
    Geography (Regional Planning), Vol. 12, No 1, 2021
  10. "A Comparative Study of Masters Degree Programs of Architecture"
    Mohammadreza Rahimzadeh, Afra Gharibpour, آناهیتا شهپری
    Journal of Architecture and Urban Planning, Vol. 13, No 29, 2020
  11. "An Evaluation on the Use of Islamic-Iranian Cultural Indices for Designing Practices in the Lessons, Introduction of Architecture Design (Case Study: Tehran University)"
    الهام کاظمی, حسن ستاری ساربانقلی, رحمت محمدزاده, Afra Gharibpour
    Training and evaluation, Vol. 13, No 51, 2020
  12. "Searching the Pronciples for Designing Tombsbased on Historical Studies, Case Study: Designing Tomb of Sa'di"
    Afra Gharibpour, Maryam Khonsha
    JOURNAL OF Architectural and environmental research, Vol. 2, No 3, 2020
  13. "Adaptability in Reusing Historic Houses: The Cases of Lowlagar House, Bagh-e Ferdows Mansion and the Iranian House"
    کیان دهقان, Afra Gharibpour
    soffeh, Vol. 29, No 85, pp.5-18, 2019
  14. "Spatiality and Bodily Awareness: Rereading the Concept of Space in Architectural Experience Case Study: Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art"
    امیرحسین صیاد, Afra Gharibpour, مهسا دلشاد سیاهکلی
    BAGH-E NAZAR, Vol. 16, No 75, pp.71-82, 2019
  15. "Evaluating The Possibility Of Paying Attention To The Components Of Culture In Architectural Basic Design Education"
    Afra Gharibpour
    Hoviate shahr, Vol. 13, No 38, pp.5-20, 2019
  16. "Evaluation of Undergraduate Educational Programs of Architecture in Iran from the Point of View of Their Relevance to Cultural Aspects"
    Afra Gharibpour, Hgjhg Dehgh
    Research on Iranian Architecture, Vol. 1, No 10, pp.141-160, 2017
  17. "Comparative Revision of the Curriculum of Basic Design Studios in Undergraduate Studies of Architecture"
    Afra Gharibpour, Hgjhg Dehgh
    Honar-ha-ye-ziba Memari-Va-Shahrsazi, Vol. 20, No 4, pp.59-72, 2016
  18. "An Analytical Comparison of Drawing by Hand and Computer in Architectural Design Process"
    Afra Gharibpour
    Honar-ha-ye-ziba Memari-Va-Shahrsazi, Vol. 19, No 1, pp.5-14, 2014
  19. "Terminology of Architectural Function"
    Afra Gharibpour
    Honar-ha-ye-ziba Memari-Va-Shahrsazi, Vol. 18, No 1, pp.57-68, 2013
  20. "Function in the View of Louis Kahn"
    Afra Gharibpour
    soffeh, Vol. -, pp.31-40, 2010
  21. "Functionalism and the Meaning of Function"
    Afra Gharibpour
    Architecture and Urbanism, Vol. -, No 30, pp.73-82, 2007