Vahid Choopankareh

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-07

Vahid Choopankareh

College of Fine Arts / Industrial Design

Journal Paper

  1. "Modular Products Futuristic Strategy for Designing Future Spaces"
    Mohammadhossein Shokatpour, Mahdi Mohamadi, Alireza Aslani, Manochehr Manteghi, Vahid Choopankareh
    BAGH-E NAZAR, Vol. 16, No 74, 2019
  2. "Durability Assessment of the Bauhaus School in the History of Art and Design Based on its Characteristics"
    Maryam Habibi, Vahid Choopankareh
    Systems Science & Control Engineering, Vol. 4, No 4, pp.345-349, 2016
  3. "Evaluating the effect of using the Triz method on the level of creativity and ideation for education Product redesign by industrial design students"
    زهرا مریخ پور, Vahid Choopankareh, شبنم سمیعی
    Iranian Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 23, No 89, pp.65-85, 2021
  4. "Feasibility Study of Pilgrimage Tourism Services in Iran Case study: The shrine of Imam Reza"
    Zeinab Gheysarieh, Vahid Choopankareh, Vol. بهار 1399 جلد 3, No 19, pp.1-18, 2020
  5. "Designing Multi-Level Affordance to Improve Usability of Interactive Products"
    ابراهیم باقری, رضا افهمی , Vahid Choopankareh
    Honar-ha-ye-Tajassomi, Vol. 23, No 4, 2018
  6. "A Historical and Functional Study of the Significant Lighting Products of the Bauhaus"
    Vahid Choopankareh, مریم حبیبی
    Honar-ha-ye-Tajassomi, Vol. 23, No 1, 2018
  7. "Study the Effect of Educational Game to Learn Safety and Security Concepts and Orientation to Safe Activities on the Coast"
    Vahid Choopankareh, اکرم سلطانی
    Honar-ha-ye-Tajassomi, Vol. 22, No 2, 2017
  8. "An investigation of spiritual identity in product design based on attributes"
    Zahra Ghodusi Nezhad, Mehran Fateminia, Vahid Choopankareh
    Architecture and Urbanism, Vol. 20, No 4, 2016
  9. "Fashion Trends in Society: A Case Study"
    Raeeika Khorshidiyan, Hedayat Sokhkyan, Vahid Choopankareh, Alireza Azhdari, Jamshid Emami
    Media and Culture, Vol. پاییز و زمستان 1393, pp.73-89, 2015
  10. "Review the principles of sustainable design, urban walk, Case Study: design of urban walk-Quds Square in Tehran"
    Vahid Choopankareh, Jamshid Emami, Elnaz Rezaee
    Journal of Architecture, Vol. تابستان 1393, No 33, 2014
  11. "gkjunjkj"
    Ame Ghgb, Alh Aghadost, Alh Aghadost, Vahid Choopankareh
    Iran Occupational Health, Vol. 8, No 4, pp.36-46, 2011
  12. "A Comparative study in Miniatures of Creation of Man in Masnavi"
    Vahid Choopankareh, Alireza Azhdari, زینب همتی
    Honar-ha-ye-Tajassomi, Vol. 3, No 46, 2011
  13. "A Comparative Study of Stucco Design and plants Motifs in Ctesiphon Palace and Early Iranian Mosques"
    Vahid Choopankareh, فروغ دیانی
    نشریه علم و فرهنگ, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.1-14, 2011
  14. "Primary Generator in Architectural Design Process"
    Vahid Choopankareh, امیرمسعود فریدی زاد , محمدرضا فریدی زاد
    Honar-ha-ye-ziba Memari-Va-Shahrsazi, Vol. 1, No 100, 2011
  15. "A Comparative study in Miniatures of Creation of Man in Masnavi"
    Vahid Choopankareh, سیدمحمدرضا شهابی , آزاده سیدابریشمی
    Honar-ha-ye-Tajassomi, Vol. 43, No 43, pp.69-80, 2010
  16. "Rethinking Architectural Education Studies based on High School Education"
    Vahid Choopankareh, نجمه میرزایی
    Honar-ha-ye-ziba Memari-Va-Shahrsazi, Vol. 2, No 2, 2010
  17. "A Comparative study in Miniatures of Creation of Man in Masnavi"
    فرزانه افتخاری , Vahid Choopankareh, احمد ندایی فرد
    Architecture and Urbanism, Vol. 40, No 41, pp.105-114, 2010
  18. "A Comparative study in Miniatures of Creation of Man in Masnavi"
    Vahid Choopankareh, مهسا ذوالریاستین
    Architecture and Urbanism, Vol. 10, No 39, pp.103-112, 2009

Conference Paper

  1. "Humanitarian opportunities in the network age"
    Maryam Heydaripoor, Jamshid Emami, Vahid Choopankareh
    GHTC 2015, 2013
  2. "Desining an Experience-oriented Charity Center for Phisically Disabled people, An Iranin Experience, Case Study of Raid Charity Center"
    نجمه میرزایی, Vahid Choopankareh
    The International Journal of Design in Society, 2013
  3. "Stady on users emotions and needs to design a new Product for Carrying Ski Equipments"
    زهرا تشکری نیا, امیرحسین عرب خردمند, Vahid Choopankareh
    International Conference on engineering Design ICED 2009, 2009
  4. "Gyroplane Composite Cabin Design"
    Ali Faraji, Morteza Rohani Farahmand, Vahid Choopankareh
    The first National aerospace and aeronautics festival, 2017
  5. "Study of effective strategies for branding in the clothing market of young Iranian women"
    Shahab Asgarian, Vahid Choopankareh, Maryam Sadat Khalili
    10th International Conference on Economics and Management, 2017
  6. "Design a common identity for tourism purposes with an emphasis on art and cultural heritage tourism development approach"
    Vahid Choopankareh, Mohamad Ali Safaian
    International Conference on Sustainable Tourism Development: An Ethno Cultural Approach, 2017
  7. "applying QFD method in designing requiered services for truckers of interstation roads"
    Vahid Choopankareh
    1st national Service Design conferece, 2015
  8. "Interaction with nature, Interaction with life"
    Afsaneh Taleghani, Maryam Sadat Khalili, Vahid Choopankareh
    National Conference on Interior Architecture and Decoration, 2015
  9. "Defining indicators of industrial design undergraduate curriculum in Iran"
    Javad Hatami, Vahid Choopankareh, Shahram Shahmohammadi, Mostafa Shahmohammadi
    The International Conference on Quality in higher Education Curriculum, 2014
  10. "Designing a common national-Islamic identity for tourism destinations based on cultural heritage and tourism development approach"
    Mohammad Ali Safaian, Vahid Choopankareh, Mehran Fateminia, Sara Mousavi Jabari
    The 1st International Scientific-Strategic Conference on Tourism Development for Islamic Republic of Iran, 2014
  11. "Designing a common identity for tourist destination, on the basis of cultural heritage and tourism development"
    Mohamad Ali Safaian, Vahid Choopankareh
    International Scientific-Strategic Conference on Tourism Development for Islamic of Iran, 2014
  12. "Mode and design"
    Alireza Azhdari, Jamshid Emami, Vahid Choopankareh
    Mode & Cloud, 2013