Ali Faraji

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-07

Ali Faraji

College of Fine Arts / Industrial Design

Journal Paper

  1. "A Unified Procedure for Optimization of Stacking Sequence of Laminated Composite Shells Subjected to Linear Buckling"
    Ali Faraji, Amir Reza Pahlavanpour
    Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 11, No 7, pp.448-453, 2016
  2. "Formic and Functional Parameters of Interface Designing for Interaction the Blind with Paintings"
    Meysam Khodashenas, Ali Faraji
    Mitteilungen Saechsischer Entomologen, Vol. 114, No 114, pp.1068-1078, 2016
  3. "Modular Design of Combined Comfort Furniture and Iranian Dining Table"
    Ali Faraji, Yosra Daeechian
    Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 933, pp.643-648, 2014
  4. "Fresnel Compact and Portable Solar Cooker Design"
    Ali Faraji, Yosra Daeechian
    Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 933, pp.637-642, 2014
  5. "Modular Design of Urban Furniture for Relaxing and Dining Based on the"
    Ali Faraji, Yosra Daeechian
    Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 933, pp.649-654, 2014
  6. "SIP: Smart Insulin Pump"
    Ali Faraji, Mina Kasiri
    Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 464, No 10, pp.123-128, 2014
  7. "A Combined Physiotherapy Ultrasound and Electrical Shock Device"
    Ali Faraji, Talat Rezvani
    Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 853, No 10, pp.466-471, 2014
  8. "Interactive Foot Orthosis (IFO) for People with Drop Foot"
    Ali Faraji, Mohsen Rasouli Valajoozi
    Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 464, No 10, pp.129-134, 2014
  9. "Interactive Body Balance System (IBAS) Design"
    Ali Faraji, Narges Alam, ناصر فتورایی
    Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 853, No 10, pp.472-476, 2014
  10. "Linear Peristaltic Pump Device Design"
    Ali Faraji, Mahsan Razavi, ناصر فتورایی
    Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 440, No 10, pp.199-203, 2014
  11. "An Ergonomic Computer Mouse for Professional Designers"
    Ali Faraji, Morteza Rohani
    Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 440, pp.194-198, 2014
  12. "Storm resistant boat designing based on the geometry and movement of water strider"
    Ali Sheikhpour Ghasseminia , Ali Faraji
    JOURNAL OF BIONIC ENGINEERING, Vol. 5, pp.87-90, 2008
  13. "Effect of Arbitrarily Directed Tangential Force on Elastic Contacting Bodies J. of Engineering Mechanics"
    Ali Faraji, Alain Cardou , Augustin Gakwaya
    JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS, Vol. 125, No 11, pp.1324-1326, 1999
  14. "Design-Entrepreneurship Framework in Engineering Education"
    YOSRA DAEECHIANKARVANDI, Seyed Reza Hejazi, Ali Faraji, Jahangir Yadollahi Farsi
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 17, No 2, 2024
  15. "Designing the packaging of written cultural industries using Iranian fabric motifs Cleveland Museum"
    Erfan Khazaei, Ali Faraji, Alireza Azhdari
    Islamic Art, Vol. 51, No 20, pp.128-158, 2023
  16. "Design an automated guided vehicle system and its interactions for car production line"
    Hesam Danesh, Ali Faraji
    mechanical engineering, Vol. 32, No 4, pp.62-50, 2023
  17. "Design of modern interactive and ergonomic home air purifier"
    Mahsa Niknezhad, Ali Faraji
    Journal of Ergonomic, Vol. 10, No 3, 2022
  18. "Examining the symmetry and repetition in Iranian fabrics of the Cleveland Museum and their application in the design of the gift package of exquisite books (a case study of fabric motifs of the Alboyeh period)"
    Erfan Khazaei, Ali Faraji, Alireza Azhdari
    Islamic Art, Vol. 19, No 47, pp.141-162, 2022
  19. "Design of interactive and ergonomic wheelchair equipped with direct health service system accessibility"
    Ali Faraji, Mohammad Reza Roofigar Esfehani
    Iranian Journal of Mechanical Engineering,, Vol. 131, No 4, pp.21-11, 2022
  20. "Design of a modular, interactive and ergonomic workbench and chair for jewelry making"
    رامش طاهریان اجارود, Ali Faraji
    Journal of Ergonomic, Vol. 9, No 3, pp.19-38, 2022
  21. "Culture Effect through Design Toys"
    Ali Faraji, Yosra Daeechian
    4bagh, Vol. 5, No 10, 2013
  22. "The Triple Elements of Industrial Products: Modular Design, Mass Customization and Personalization"
    Ali Faraji, مرضیه بهزادی
    Honar-ha-ye-Tajassomi, Vol. -17, No 3, pp.67-78, 2012
  23. "g"
    Ali Faraji, رضا گنجوی
    Architecture and Urbanism, Vol. 38, pp.105-116, 2009

Conference Paper

  1. "A model of gamification technology for favorable education"
    Ali Faraji, Mohadese Ramin
    The2nd International Conference on New Research & Achievements in Science, Engineering & Technologies, 2022
  2. "The role of prototyping in user experience design"
    Ali Faraji, Sadegh Bakhtiari Dastgerdi
    The2nd International Conference on New Research & Achievements in Science, Engineering & Technologies, 2022
  3. "The role of gamification technology in organization sustainability of behaviors"
    Ali Faraji, Amir Hossein Asghari Tavana
    The2nd International Conference on New Research & Achievements in Science, Engineering & Technologies, 2022
  4. "A new modular and interactive workbench and chair for jewelry making"
    Ali Faraji, Ramesh Taherian Ojaroud
    8th International Conference on Mechanics, Construction, Industries and Civil Engineering In date 2021-08-22, 2021
  5. "New Modular and Interactive Lighting Set for a Residential Apartment Based on Iranian Girih Pattern"
    Ali Faraji, Maryam Khosh Kivaj
    8th International Conference on Mechanics, Construction, Industries and Civil Engineering In date 2021-08-22, 2021
  6. "framework of urban furniture design for crime reduction"
    Ali Faraji, Ahmad Farkhondeh
    8th International Conference on Mechanics, Construction, Industries and Civil Engineering In date 2021-08-22, 2021
  7. "A novelty representation of leafy dried fruit of the Iran climate"
    Ali Shahidinejad, Ali Faraji
    5th.International Conference on Researches in Science & Engineering & 2nd.International Congress on Civil, Architecture and Urbanism in Asia, 2020
  8. "A novelty solar modular canopy for evaporative cooler and air conditioner's condenser"
    sadra Alizadeh Azbari, Ali Faraji
    1st International Conference on Challenges and New Solutions in Industrial Engineering and Management and Accounting, 2020
  9. "A new interactive model for interior lighting of the apartment"
    saeed Bavarsad Ahmadi, Ali Faraji
    1st International Conference on Challenges and New Solutions in Industrial Engineering and Management and Accounting, 2020
  10. "Hybrid design prototyping method using coupling 3D printing and Meccano construction kits"
    Ali Faraji, Mostafa Komasi
    28th Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers-ISME2020, 2020
  11. "Manifesting corporate brand image using colors"
    Ali Faraji, Hanieh Mohammadi
    International Conference on Design (Architecture, Interior Architecture, Industrial Design), 2019
  12. "Interaction and Cabin Design of Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) System"
    Ali Faraji, Marzieh Allahdadi
    First International Conference on Civil, Architecture and municipal Engineering, 2018
  13. "A Guideline for Pediatric Hospital Users and Lighting communication"
    Ali Faraji, Mahsa Ghanbari Borhan
    International Conference on Design (Interaction between Industrial Design and Interior Architecture), 2018
  14. "Designing a vision aid medium for Blind people"
    میثم خداشناس, محمد مهدی گروسی, Ali Faraji
    Fifth International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, 2011
  15. "Synergy between Sustainability and Desirability"
    بهاره براتی, فاطر سعادت نیاکی, Ali Faraji
    7th International Conference on Design and Emotion, 2010
  16. "Converting the participants verbal expressions into design factors"
    ندا قدیر, داوود گراوند, Ali Faraji
    DRS 2010 Conference Design and Complexity, 2010
  17. "An improved constructivist Kansei engineering methodology"
    ندا قدیر, داوود گراوند, Ali Faraji
    Keer 2010 International conference on Kansei engineering and emotion research, 2010
  18. "Advanced car battery design based on aesthetic and ergonomic elements"
    Ali Faraji, اردشیر حکیمی طهرانی
    LABAT’2008, 2008
  19. "A Boundary Element-Mathematical Programming Method for Solving Elastoplastic Problems"
    Ali Faraji, Augustin Gakwaya, Alain Cardou
    25th International conference on Boundary Element Methods, 2003
  20. "A Boundary Element-Mathematical Programming Method for Solving Elastic Contact Problems"
    Ali Faraji, Augustin Gakwaya, Alain Cardou
    6eme Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, 2003
  21. "A Boundary Element-Mathematical Programming Method for Solving Elastoplastic Contact Problems"
    Ali Faraji, Alain Cardou, Augustin Gakwaya
    6th International conference on Contact Mechanics, 2003
  22. "A Study of Edge Effects on Some Contact Problems"
    Ali Faraji, Alain Cardou, Celement Gosselin
    CSME, 1996
  23. "Proposing a design strategy to changing user behaviour"
    Ali Faraji, سعید خانجانی
    2nd International Conference on Recent Developments in Information Science, Engineering and Technology, 2019
  24. "General principles of Measuring the User Experience metrics"
    Ali Faraji, ملیکا بکتاش
    2nd International Conference on Recent Developments in Information Science, Engineering and Technology, 2019
  25. "A Review on Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Industrial Design"
    موژان مساوات, Ali Faraji
    1st International Conference on Science, Engineering, Technology and Tech Businesses in the Age, 2019
  26. "Industrial Design"
    Ali Faraji
    The role of interdisciplinary studiedThe role of interdisciplinary studies in scientific & entreprenership development of Iran in scientific & entreprenership development of Iran, 2018
  27. "Gyroplane Composite Cabin Design"
    Ali Faraji, Morteza Rohani Farahmand, Vahid Choopankareh
    The first National aerospace and aeronautics festival, 2017
  28. "Gyroplane Full Composite Configuration Design"
    Ali Faraji, Davood Abbasi, Alireza Azhdari
    The first National aerospace and aeronautics festival, 2017
  29. "Optimized Design of Laminate Stacking Sequence of Composite Cylindrical Shell and Plate Subjected to Linear Buckling based on the Binary Ant Colony Algorithm and FEM"
    Ali Faraji, Amir Reza Pahlavanpour
    Second conference on new research achievement in mechanics,industrial and aerospace, 2016
  30. "Hybrid Strategy of Binary Ant Colony Algorithm and FEM for Optimizing of Laminate Stacking Sequence of Composite Cylindrical Shell Subjected to Linear Buckling"
    Ali Faraji, Amir Reza Pahlavanpour
    1st International Conference on New research Achivements in Mechanics< Mechatronics & Biomechanics, 2016
  31. "Need to Need to Design of an Intractive Interface painting for 6- 12 year old Blind Users using AHP"
    Meysam Khodashenas, Ali Faraji
    7th Iranian & 1th International Knowledge Management Conference, 2015
  32. "Binary ant colony algorithms and FEM to lay-up optimization of composite shell under linear buckling"
    Ali Faraji, Amir Reza Pahlevanpour
    The 22nd Annula International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2014
  33. "Binary ant colony algorithms and FEM to lay-up optimization of composite plate under linear buckling"
    Ali Faraji, Amir Reza Pahlevanpour
    aero2014, 2014
  34. "Interaction Design of Climbing Solar Cooker"
    Ali Faraji, Yosra Daeechian
    International Conference and Exihibition on Solar Energy (ICESE), 2014
  35. "Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) system transportation: A sustainable system"
    Ali Faraji, Marzieh Allahdadi
    The Conference on Commercialization, National Development and Engineering Sciences, 2013
  36. "Light Rapid Transit (LRT) system transportation: A sustainable system"
    Ali Faraji, Reza Ghandchi Mazandarani
    The Conference on Commercialization, National Development and Engineering Sciences, 2013
  37. "fff"
    Ali Faraji, یسری دایی چیان
    fff, 2013
  38. "Drowsiness experience and its relation to road accidents"
    Ali Faraji, حمید مهدویان
    The 12th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2013
  39. "Drowsiness and analysis of the impact on the driver"
    Ali Faraji, خسرو صادق نیت, حمید مهدویان
    The fifth congress of sleep disorders, 2011
  40. "Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) system transportation and Its Application in Urban Furniture"
    Ali Faraji, مرضیه اله دادی
    The First National Conference on Environmental Graphic Applied Sciences and Urban furniture, 2010
  41. "Numerical simulation of a head injury suffered in a collision with a car"
    Ali Faraji, مهدی نوید بخش
    SME 2009, 2009