"Interior Landscape: Border between Public and Private" - دانشکده معماری arch
عنوان خبر
"Interior Landscape: Border between Public and Private"
22 05 2019 04:54
کد خبر : 9421966
تعداد بازدید : 13970
The workshop titled "Interior Landscape: Border between Public and Private" was organized with the presence of Ms. Simona Canepa from Department of Architecture and Design of Politecnico di Torino, Italy, and Dr. Parastoo Esharti, faculty member of the School of Architecture, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, on Wednesday, 24th April 2019 from 12 to 14 at School of Architecture by support of CEAT Center of Excellence in Architectural Technology, University of Tehran
The main idea of this workshop was the joint research of these two professors in the field of "Interior Architecture" of the shared spaces of contemporary residential apartments in Tehran, which led to the presence of this Italian professor at University of Tehran. This research examines the quantity and quality of shared spaces, including yard, parking lot, roof garden, lobby, pool, terrace, and gymnasium and etc.
In this workshop the Italian professor explained her research in Tehran titled "Spaces for living, spaces for sharing" which her department financed within the project on research internationalization. The housing unit, as well as a place where private activities are carried out, can be an environment that stimulates the relationship with the group and the interrelation with the community: for this reason, the house should not be conceived as a set of spaces referring only to the private sphere, in contrast with other spaces of the public sphere, but should promote the integration of the individual in the social sphere. In this way the spaces of relationship are a category of both private and public areas which have the role of marking a detachment or strengthen a link between the exterior and the interior is as important as the plans or the facades of the building.
The workshop was the occasion to analyze the outdoor and indoor collective spaces of some new examples of residential buildings in Tehran, in terms of organization, materials, colors, and furniture compared with the Italian reality. The debate with the students was also a moment in which the sensations between different realities came out with the aim of enriching both parts.
Reporter: Sabasadat Mirazimy
Photographer: Fatemeh Sobhani
Poster Designer: Hossein Shah Hoseini